Monday, May 16, 2011


This is my surreal project.  I used the liquify gallery and the liquify tool.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Graphic Designer

1. The designer I did is Pablo Alfieri.  He loves to cook.  He's inspired by his girlfriend, galaxies, stars, and music.  He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.  He's a graphic designer.  He's also an illustrator.
3.  My influence was the color, texture, background, spacing, and creativity of Pablo Alfieri.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Creative Package Design

I think this design is cool because normally soup is in a can and you have to poor it into a bowl then drink it, but with this you just have to heat it up and you can just drink it from the container.  I think the shape of the container, and the format the designer used is strong.

Friday, March 4, 2011


  • 1) The first logo design is a recreation of Disney's logo.  The second logo is suppose to look like an M for my name.
  • 2)How I used negative space is by me stretching the legs to form an M for my initials.
  • The hardest part of making the logos was trying to trace the work I uploaded for the Disney design.  It was hard to keep my hand steady and make it look like the one I drew on actual paper.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Line Design

  • 1)This is my line design.  I emphasized the star by having a bunch of lines and dashed lines going toward it.  I used balance by having a lot of black swirls and circles through half the picture toward the bottom, and I had a lot of negative space at the top.  
  • 2)This assignment was to make a line design.  How I made it my own was my design was my own ideas and creativity.   
  • 3)When I was planning on what I wanted to do the first thing I decided was that I wanted a star to be my focal point.  Also, I decided I wanted to have dash lines through out the design to make things flow together and to create the focal point.  It's original because nobody has made a design that looks like this and I did it by myself.